[-empyre-] vogs - linear narratives

Adrian Miles wrote:
>an issue in interactive media in general is that popular 
>narrative pleasure appears to be strongly tied to various 
>experiences and ideas of closure (computer games participate 
>in this very strongly and is why games probably work better 
>at a popular level than interactive narrative). in real 
>multilinear work closure tends only to happen in rather 
>abstract and formalist ways. and so in interactive video a 
>major issue for a 'compelling' narrative (hitchcock rather 
>than godard perhaps) is this issue of narrative coherence 
>and closure.

You touch an important issue here. Most games 
advertised as non-linear narratives (mainly in 
the RPG and Adventure genres) are actually 
multilinear narratives, meaning that you can 
choose from several paths offered by the authors
but cannot really create your own path. It gives
a feeling of freedom to the player and at the
same time let the authors retain full control
of the final result.

I think a true non-linear narrative would be
closer to free poetry than to traditional prose.
It would be interesting to try something like
that in video, sort of audiovisual haikus.

Nemo Nox
por um punhado de pixels

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